Do I need a Construction Certificate (CC)?
If your project meets these criteria, it's likely that you need a Construction Certificate. See guide and FAQs below for more information. Please contact us if you can not find an answer to your question.
Getting Your Construction Certificate with FutureCert
Many forms of development require approval from your council, technically known as development consent. You apply for development consent by lodging a development application (DA). The DA process can be confusing for first time applicants. This guide, provided by NSW Planning Department, explains the process and assists you in preparing and lodging a DA. Find out more:
Once you have your DA approval, our experienced team will guide you through the 3 stages of the CC process. We ensure efficient certification from construction to occupation without compromising on quality or safety.
There are 3 common building approval pathways for construction in NSW. The main difference is in the design and approval phase. View the approval pathways below and contact us if you are not sure which pathway is permissible for you.
Please contact us if you cannot find an answer to your question.
Either your local council or a registered private certifier, such as FutureCert, can issue a Construction Certificate. In cases where the Minister for Planning is the consent authority, you can apply through the State's Department of Planning.
A Construction Certificate is necessary after receiving development consent and before beginning any building work, including alterations and additions.
Once issued, a Construction Certificate becomes part of your development consent. This means written directions and orders can be issued if the building work doesn't meet legislative requirements
A Construction Certificate lapses at the same time as the development consent issued for the proposal, that is, after five years. The DA is triggered by the 'physical commencement' of building works.
Provide sufficient details to assure the consent authority that your proposal complies with the Building Code of Australia and conditions of Development Consent. This will include the following:
Legislation allows for modifications to construction certificates. The application and assessment process mirrors the original application.
Construction certificates can be issued for various stages of development. Typical in larger developments.
Conditions on construction certificates are only ever applied in certain circumstances typically related to Fire Brigades referrals and departures from the BCA. Any site management conditions will be included in the development consent.
A fire safety schedule must be attached to all construction certificates, outlining standard of performance and maintenance for each fire safety measure applicable to the project.
Before starting work, you must appoint a Principal Certifier (PC), such as FutureCert and notify the consent authority (council) via the NSW planning portal at least two days in advance of building works commencing. Note that site establishment works such as temporary fencing, signage and sediment and erosion control measures are permitted before CC is issued.
Yes. After construction is complete, you'll need an Occupation Certificate from the PC, which cannot be issued until all works are complete, including any fire safety measures commissioned
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